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First Blog: Gratitude

While writing this post, I can’t help but think about what really counts and what can truly benefit you, my reader. If you’re here, it’s probably because, just like me, you’re going through the ups and downs of getting older and have faced some unexpected challenges or want to be able to live your life to the fullest. Let’s discover together how we can make the most of life and take the best care of ourselves. Let’s be able to live active lives with newfound energy and brain power and not be idle bystanders.

Aging brings its share of health challenges, but it’s never too late to prioritize our well-being. For me, the best place to start is with gratitude. You might wonder, why don’t I start with what we eat and how that impacts our health? We will get there. You see, being healthy is more than just the food on your plate. Your mindset plays a crucial role in your overall well-being. The way we perceive the world, our families, our jobs, our environments, and even ourselves has a profound impact on our health.

The Mayo Clinic writes:

“Expressing gratitude is associated with a host of mental and physical benefits. Studies have shown that feeling thankful can improve sleep, mood, and immunity. Gratitude can decrease
depression, anxiety, difficulties with chronic pain, and risk of disease.”

Those are some really great benefits. If there was a pill for that, everyone would be taking it.

First, we will look more closely at the physical and mental benefits and then we can establish a daily practice that will help you experience the benefits of living a life with gratitude.

The mind-body connection is a term used to describe how your beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, and feelings can affect your biological functioning. In other words, what you do with your physical body – how well you eat, how well you sleep, and how you hold your posture – is influenced by your mental state. Understand that stress also has a direct impact on how you feel, and your health and well-being. Even more interesting, is that your body doesn’t really know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. So, if your mind is thinking about stressful situations, your body will react accordingly. If your mind is thinking about gratefulness, well you get it. Your body will reap the benefits of your mindset. We all know that stress has a negative impact on our bodies, while gratitude has the opposite effect.

In a very large study from the National Library of Medicine, the takeaway from the study had this to report:

“Gratitude and optimism are positive psychological dispositions associated
with beneficial outcomes.”

“How people view the world can have important consequences for their
health and well-being.”

“Gratitude has been linked to various positive physical and psychological

You get it. Now how do we incorporate gratitude into our daily lives? Super Easy.

Here are 10 simple suggestions:

  1. Start your day by thinking of at least one thing you are grateful for. It can be as simple as thanks for being alive.
  2. Spend time together with family and friends, and be present in that moment. Engage and be thankful that you have people you can share your time with.
  3. Take the time to share your life with nature and the life around you. There is beautiful energy there and much to be thankful for.
  4. Give. Volunteer, share, invite friends for a meal, visit a senior living facility, or whatever would give significance and meaning to your life. Be grateful that you can.
  5. Tell the people in your life how you care for them and what they mean to you. How important they are and how you are grateful for them.
  6. When you watch TV, stay away from violence or shows that are not uplifting. Especially before going to bed. Watch something funny or inspirational. You would be amazed to know the negative effects of watching shows that can cause your body to feel like it is under stress, right in your living room.
  7. Hug someone.
  8. Actively listen to those who are sharing their lives with you.
  9. Be mindful. Even when you are eating, savor the food before you swallow it. Enjoy it.
  10. My favorite – is just to be a good friend.

I hope you find this inspiring and will try and incorporate some of these suggestions into your daily routine. Your body will thank you.

In Gratitude for you,


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